Monday, 24 August 2009

Is your chocolate bar being greenwashed??

For any of you who are interested in the welfare of animals and organic/ethical products should read this latest article by Fred Pearce at the Guardian...and consider where you buy your next chocolate bar from!

Monday, 10 August 2009

Miessence Certified Essential Oils

This month the fantastic people at Miessence have launched a complete range of 25 certified organic essential oils. The range includes:

Ylang ylang
Tea tree
Sweet Orange

You can rest assured that all these oils have been sustainably sourced and contain no trace of toxic residue or pesticide.

'Miessence products are the purest on the market' (Narelle Chenery, founder)

The amazing healing powers of plants have been used to treat many ailments for centuries before conventional medicine was available and this could be one of the main reasons why so many people turn to aromatherapy as an alternative therapy.

Essential oils are easily absorbed into the skin or inhaled and enter our bloodstream by either route. Once in the bloodstream the specific essential oils deliver their healing qualities to wherever they are needed and give the body that helping hand needed to get back on the road to recovery and optimum health.